Nicole & Jason

September 21, 2024

Nicole & Jason

September 21, 2024

Our Story

Our story

Picture of Our story

Our story hasn’t been perfect, but that’s what makes it perfect to us.

We may have done things a bit “backwards” to the traditional ways of life, but now that the kids are here, house has been bought, all the furry friends (Jason says no more..) are at their forever homes, and the tests of every day trails has been passed, it’s about time we tie the knot and make it forever.

Once he met the family at Christmas he never left- Nicole

Once she met Sophie she fell in Love -Jason

christmas nearly 8 years ago is where it started, while Jason already had a love of his life- Sophie, I was so grateful there was room in his heart for me, then more room for Austyn, then furry Merle, George and Annie, then to finish the family was Harper, then bunny Rosie. It’s complete, full of Love, Laughter, excitement, joys and some trials.

One thing Jason and I have learnt over the years is that no matter what, we always keep finding each other. Finding those reasons to hang on when things get tough, finding the light when it gets dark, finding things for each other and things for ourselves that bring joy to our hearts. Being the best support for each other has got us this far, creating a bond that we never could have imagined. Making us excited to say, I can’t wait to Marry you, I can’t wait to show you what forever looks like.

September 21, will be one of our favourite days. And we look forward to spending it with family and friends that mean the world to us